A Life of Rhyme

They rhymed them right
They rhymed them wrong
They rhymed in poetry and song
And when they saw things were not fair
They’d rhyme and oft times even swear

They rhymed them left
They rhymed them right
They rhymed them up
They rhymed them down
They rhymed by day
They rhymed by night
They rhymed the flat cap and the crown

Yes, rhymed of princes
Rhymed of kings
And rhymed of more important things
Like rhymes of sand and outward tides
They rhymed as means of taking sides

They rhymed in anger
Rhymed in sorrow
Rhymed the new
With rhymes they’d borrow
Rhymed with rage
And with frustration
Rhymed with wit
And devastation

Armed with punches wrapped in rhyme
Seemed they were rhyming all the time
So when folk said, why don’t you stop
Your rhyming’s just a lefty sop
They said, it’s in our DNA
And rhymed until they went away

I’ll tell you this and tell it true
Their rhymes could turn you red from blue
Their rhymes were like a megaphone
Their rhymes said you are not alone

They might not rhyme you rich from poor
They might not rhyme you debt from debtor
But when you felt it hit the floor
They’d rhyme until it all felt better

Perfectly Decent

As crass as Johnson’s letterbox
As nasty as GB News
As hateful as Douglas Murray
As ugly as Suella’s views

She says they’re mainstream
She says they’re insightful
Perfectly decent

Like a speech from the Right Honourable Member
For Northeast Somerset
From Bournemouth to Blackpool Council
They’re as bad as you will get

She says they’re mainstream
She says they’re insightful
Perfectly decent

From Enoch Powell’s rivers of blood
To Thatcher’s apartheid friend
From swarm and invasion to describe immigration
To the hostile environment

She says they’re mainstream
She says they’re insightful
Perfectly decent

So who needs Tommy Robinson
Who needs the Britain First crowd
Who needs Reform, who needs Reclaim
When the Tories are saying it loud

She says they’re mainstream
She says they’re insightful
Perfectly decent

She says they’re mainstream
She says they’re insightful
But they’re just racist